Why PearsonVUE
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Why PearsonVUE

Many of Tech Mahindra’s clients actively encourage our associates to undergo certifications in various technical and professional skills. Employees, even on their own, are actively pursuing ongoing challenges of self-development through various accreditations like Microsoft Certified and Sun Certified professionals to name a few. Certified professionals to name a few.

Any certification program needs to confirm competency in the candidates. It needs to be accurate, reliable and current. That's why most of the organisations in today’s world place their trust in a third party provider of testing solutions that will

Provide results that can be trusted
End to end Data management with highest standards of security and integrity
Adapt to regulatory requirements
Ensure quality control
Is legally defensible
Proven Track record

Possess comprehensive capabilities
Robust Systems that support huge volumes and varieties
Maintenance and upgrades

Have access to expertise of test developers and psychometricians coming from a range of industries bringing in real-life experience.

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