Why Prometric/PearsonVUE
Testing Facilities
List of exams Available
Process Flow
Voucher Procurement
Location Contact Details
Prometric Website

PearsonVUE Website
Booking Guidelines
On The Day of Exam
List of Exams Available

The testing facilities at Tech Mahindra centers will allow all exams that can be taken through M/s Prometric that can be taken through M/s Prometric EXCEPT the following exams:


The list of exams that CAN be taken from the TechM centers is given below for reference. This list gives the vendor names (like Microsoft, Sun etc). Since there are frequent changes to the exam offerings by these vendors, employees are advised to refer to the Prometric homepage to see the details of the actual exams.

Oracle Retake Policy - Candidates are required to wait minimum 14 days before taking a failed examination.

Prometric Exams
PearsonVUE Exams

Prometric Testing Centre, 4th floor, Oberoi Towers, Chandiwali





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